
Thank you for all of your continued support to our website.

       Right now we are looking to try and raise some money for a few different areas of our site, and any help that you, our loyal readers would be able to give us would help us tremendously. These are the things that your donations will help us accomplish:

  • We are trying to raise the money necessary for the subscription software that will allow us to sell and automatically deliver digital content to all of you at the time of purchase. We would like to be able to make this happen so that we can start to sell some of our eBooks directly to you from our site.

  • We are also trying to raise the necessary money to bring on new projects like an animated series completely written and created by the Cordelia Cross Team. We would also be bringing back our Youtube Channel for regular content.

  • We are currently working on a new and improved mobile application for our site and our associated social media pages. However, the creation of this new application and the publishing costs for the Google Play Store are a bit out of budget for us at the time so we are working on some new fundraising projects.

  •  We are also currently working on designing some new merchandise for our site. As soon as we are able, we will have our fully functional store up and running on the site. However, we need to raise a bit of money first for our starting inventory. 

Thank you  so much for taking the time to visit our site and learn more about us.  If you enjoy what you see, please feel free to share our page to gain more followers for our blog. If you would like to help us raise the money we need to move forward with the blog, please click on the donate button below.

Thank you again!

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