Thursday, January 30, 2014

Star Wars Vid

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace,

      Cordy here,

 Here is a great Star Wars Vid for you guys :D

~Cordy Out

Wibbly Wobbly

Hey all you out there in cyberspace!!!

Cordy here!!!

While working to revamp the site, I came across this and just had to post this :D

You all know I love me some Timey Wimey tenth Doctor :D

~Cordy Out

Supernatural: Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles

Hey all you out there in cybespace!!!

   Cordy here!!!

   When you watch a tv show and you become attatched to certain characters you always wish that they are just as close in real life or fight just as much in real life because it makes the characters that are so near and dear to your heart more real. This very fact is true when it comes to Sam and Dean.

   I don't know about you guys, but I have been watching Supernatural since it first came out. That makes me ten years old when it debuted in 2005. Sam and Dean helped me from being ripped apart from my home in Connecticut to move to Illinois. They helped me through heartache, and even the loss of someone I cared about very much.

   Even though the subject is extremely edgy and controversial, I love them just the same and I always have. Below is an article I found on Buzzfeed written by Sophie83 showing that Jensen and Jared are just as close as I always hoped:

Jensen Ackles And Jared Padalecki’s Epic Bromance

You think your friendships are awesome? Well, they’ve got nothing on these Supernatural co-stars! posted on

You may recognize them from their roles as Sam and Dean Winchester on Supernatural.

2. These co-stars quickly went from being on-screen brothers to real life best friends.

3. Are you sure?

Tumblr / Via

5. As the stars of a tv show, they keep each other from being too serious.

7. So much so that you might question if they’re actually reverting in age.

11. When the occasion calls for it, they aren’t afraid to hug it out.

12. Or anytime they feel like it really.

13. Seriously…they hug a lot.

14. Dressing alike occurs often enough that they have back-up plans.

15. But, those don’t always work out.

16. And again…

17. To the point that you can’t tell if they own the same shirt or just share it.

18. Prior to getting married to their wives, they lived together.

-Jensen: Nine months out of the year, we’re stuck with each other literally 24/7 a week…we’re constantly together. And even when we’re not actually working together….we always find ourselves choosing to hang out and be together.
-Jared: We even lived with each other!
-Jensen: We did.
-Jared: We were in each other’s weddings!
-Jensen: We were.
-Jared: And when we leave Canada for break we’re combining our families to do Christmas together in Texas this year!

19. Yes, not only were they in each other’s weddings, but they now have huge family Christmas celebrations.

22. And they can always count on one another to have their back.

23. No, really.

24. Just in case their bromance is still in question, let’s hear from them.

“When Jared and I met, we kind of instantly became friends. He’s five years younger than me, so it was cool. I knew what it felt like to be an older brother and he knew what it felt like to be a younger brother — we just kind of fell into a nice rhythm.”

25. Texas-sized support.

“It’s remarkable being two guys from Texas who would probably be going for the same roles. I feel no competition with him. I feel like he’s my biggest supporter and I know I’m his biggest supporter.” -Jared

26. BFFs

“We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think that’s remarkable, but it’s definitely special.” -Jensen

27. Just like glue…

“Unfortunately for him, he’s stuck with me for life now.” -Jared

28. Bro love.

“He’s like a brother and I love him.” -Jensen

29. Verdict: The most amazing celebrity friendship we can’t get enough of.

Here is the link to the actual article on Buzzfeed:
Thanks again Sophie83 for such a great article.
As for the Winchester boys... LOVE YOU GUYS
~Cordy out